Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It all starts here.

Religion is something about which I have always been passionate. While most people who are passionate about religion are focused on exalting their faith, as an atheist my passion is geared towards refuting it. I do not try to cram my opinions down others' throats, like most religious fanatics do, but I am always ready and willing to discuss my beliefs when the time is right. And in the age of technology, what better medium is there for me to utilize than the internet?

Today I began reading Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion, and it has fuelled me to begin writing down my own religious convictions, or lack thereof. In this blog I will discuss any number of religious topics, whether I am inspired by Dawkins' book or a current event. I will do my best to be respectful of others' religious beliefs, and I hope to be afforded the same respect by those who read and choose to respond to my posts. Please keep hate speech to a minimum and openmindedness to a maximum. Remember that reading my blog is a choice; no one is being forced to read and agree with any of the arguments herein, so let's all try to keep our minds open and our comments respectful.

Thank you.

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